2025-26 School Year Registration: We are FULL in our Three's and Four's classes for the -26 school year. Please click here for registration information for our Older Two's class or waitlist information for our Three's and Four's classes.

Special Activities
Spiritual Growth and Development
Developed by our teaching staff and supplemented with Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) children's Christian educational resources, our Bible curriculum is implemented into the daily and/or weekly schedules to meet the current interests and needs of the children. Biblical stories, concepts, prayer, and character traits are woven into Circle Time, Center Time, small/large group activities, and social interactions. Our goal is to introduce our children to the Bible and to help them understand that God loves them very much.
Our Preschool Director, Ms. Linda, directs our Chapel program once a month with the help of our Church Staff. Chapel is a special time of worship and praise in the Sanctuary. This year in Chapel we will be learning about the Fruit of the Spirit. "....the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23. The "fruit of the spirit" comes from the idea that as Christians grow in the faith, this growth produces Christian virtues such as love and joy. During each Chapel lesson, we will learn about one of these special fruits.
Playball is offered each Wednesday to all of our classes. Playball is a sport and movement program for children of all athletic abilities. It provides a broad introduction to physical activity as well as developing and refining skills used in a variety of sports. Our Playball Coach (Coach Shannon) loves to bring new and exciting lesson plans to our children each week. For detailed information about the Playball program: https://www.playballkids.com/index
Music is incorporated in all of our classes daily. Ms. Danielle, our Older Twos Lead Teacher, provides a special music class for our Fours classes on Mondays. Our active music lessons involve a mix of singing, instrument play, dancing and movement, storytime, and other activities. Our Staff brings a love for children and a talent for music together to enrich your child's development and foster a life-long love of music.
Once a month, our children are enriched and entertained by our Storyteller, Ms. Jane. Ms. Jane tells stories using the felt board, magnetic board, puppets, and other interesting items that help her share her enthusiasm and love for reading with our children. Ms. Jane is a certified teacher and former Preschool Director who loves to read, cross stitch, and garden.
The York County Library Bookmobile (the "Book Bus") visits us twice a month on Tuesdays. The children enjoy choosing a book to use in the classroom and listening to stories from the librarians who visit.
Spirit Days
Typically, on the last Thursday of each month, we have a SPIRIT DAY. On each SPIRIT DAY, we have a theme and enjoy fun and engaging activities with the children. The days for the 2024-25 fall include:
September 26: Glad to Be Me Day - We will celebrate what makes us unique, different, and special.
October 31: Halloween Celebration - We will have Halloween parties in our classrooms.
November 21: Feast Day - We will celebrate Thanksgiving in our classrooms by enjoying a Thanksgiving meal prepared by some special Unity Preschool friends.
December 19: PJ Day - We will wear our pajamas and enjoy some Christmas fun.
Family Events
We host a Family Picnic in our Park in the fall and spring for families and friends. We also look forward to welcoming Guest Readers in the our Threes and Fours classrooms this year.