2025-26 School Year Registration: We are FULL in our Three's and Four's classes for the -26 school year. Please click here for registration information for our Older Two's class or waitlist information for our Three's and Four's classes.

​Older Twos Class
Birthday: Children with fall/winter birthdays who will be turning 3 between September 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024.
Teachers: Ms. Danielle and Ms. Jennifer (Bee Class)
Class Size: 10 students
Class Days: 3 days - Tuesday thru Thursday
Class Time: Drop off between 8:45 am and 9:00 am; Pick up begins at 11:55 am.
Potty Training: Students in this class should be "practically" potty-trained with only occasional accidents and wearing regular underwear.
Curriculum: We provide them a loving and nurturing environment as they learn to become part of a larger group away from family and home. Children develop verbal and listening skills and begin to understand and follow simple directions and express their needs and wants. Children are encouraged to develop independence with self-help skills and will be introduced to various activities that promote fine and gross motor skills. Using our thematic-based curriculum, students are introduced to academics such as identifying their names, colors, shapes, numbers, animals, body parts, and much more.
Threes Class ​
Birthday: Children must be 3 on or before August 31.
Teachers: Ms. Becca and Ms. Sarah (Monkey Class)
Ms. Brandi and Ms. Laura (Frog Class)
Class Size: 10-12 students
Class Days: 3 days - Tuesday thru Thursday
Class Time: Drop off between 8:45 am and 9:00 am; Pick up begins at 11:55 am.
Potty-Training: Students must be potty-trained or have a documented medical excuse.
Curriculum: Children in our Threes classes are ready to participate as part of a larger group and our goal is to foster a love of learning through play and discovery. Our Three's continue to develop speaking and listening skills through conversations, following directions, stories, and songs. We continue to practice following directions and self-help skills especially when using the bathroom. In addition, children learn to hold pencils and scissors correctly, work on name recognition, the beginning stages of writing letters and their name, alphabet recognition and identification, calendar concepts, identifying shapes and colors, and counting and recognizing numbers. Our Three's program gives children the opportunity to practice their new found independence, while still being in the comfort of a loving and nurturing classroom environment.
Fours Class​
Birthday: Children must be 4 on or before August 31.
Teachers: Ms. Maureen and Ms. Kellie (Fish Class)
Ms. Elizabeth and Ms. Kristen (Owl Class)
Class Size: 12-14 students
Class Days: 4 days - Monday thru Thursday
Class Time: Drop off between 8:45 am and 9:00 am; Pick up begins at 12:10 pm.
Potty-Training: Students must be potty-trained or have a documented medical excuse.
Curriculum: Our Fours classes provide a kindergarten readiness program that encourages creativity, exploration, and meaningful play experiences while children grow in academics. Children are encouraged to build social relationships and will be given many opportunities to work in small groups and independently. They will be encouraged to develop problem-solving skills, self-confidence, self-control, respect, and responsibility. Children will learn to write their name, recognize/identify/write the alphabet and numbers, and begin pre-reading skills. They will also learn rhyming words and opposites, and use manipulatives to count, sort, match, and create patterns.